Today’s thought “Qualities and feasts of people” (December 14)

Nearly 2 millennia ago a slave and apostle of Jesus Christ wrote letters to his fellow brethren and sisters in Christ. He wrote to them, who were living further away, to share the same precious faith they had. He talked about a faith which was given to them because of the justice and fairness of… Read More Today’s thought “Qualities and feasts of people” (December 14)

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Today’s thought “Nourished in the words of the faith not falling away from the faith” (November 22)

We should remember that the Holy Spirit tells us clearly that not always people shall be willing to follow the right teachings of Christ Jesus and that in the last times some in the church will turn away from Christ and become eager followers of teachers with “devil-inspired ideas”. These teachers will tell lies with… Read More Today’s thought “Nourished in the words of the faith not falling away from the faith” (November 22)

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Today’s thought “Inspired to a sincere and pure way of thinking” (December 15)

In his second letter the apostle Peter writes to those that have obtained a like precious faith with him and his fellow apostles in the righteousness of their God and the Saviour Jesus Christ. (2 Peter 3:1) He writes that in both of his letters he tried to inspire his brethren and sisters to a… Read More Today’s thought “Inspired to a sincere and pure way of thinking” (December 15)

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