Mental Health Awareness Week

Each year during May the Mental Health Foundation promotes Mental Health Awareness Week.

In the Corona period and after Covid-19 many of us were blessed to have received kindness from others, on countless occasions and in countless ways, and we would all acknowledge the benefits it brings.

Beyond the benefits of receiving kindness, research has revealed that putting more time and effort into acts of kindness leads to improved emotional and mental wellbeing. For followers of Jesus, we may recognise this as nothing new, remembering that He said,

“it is more blessed to give than to receive.” (Acts 20.35)

In 2020 we agreed that supporting one another is one of the core objectives of our ecclesia. Four years later, we still think of that period and pray for those with long-covid, who still have a lot of problems to cope with.

Financially, lots of people in the recent years got it more difficult. Inflation makes the shopping basket more expensive.
We fully recognise that many people here in Belgium and in the UK are struggling themselves, and may not be in a position to donate for our help or aid program “May We Eat” of the Christadelphian Meal a Day. For those who are in a position to be able to continue to donate, these donations are a real blessing to those who rely on our projects to provide even their most basic needs.

For those who are in a position to be able to continue to donate, these donations are a real blessing to those who rely on our projects to provide even their most basic needs.

This month let us pray that we each may have the humility to perceive, prioritise and act on the needs of others in our ecclesia, for their wellbeing both now and in the kingdom to come.

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