Paid Hirelings

From a writing at the beginning of the 20th century

If any can publicly “preach the Word”, let him go forth without stipulation and trust to the appreciation of his labours by his brethren for his expenses and support.

We start on a journey of a thousand or more miles at our own risk, and trust to the spontaneous liberality of the brethren for results. Why cannot others go and do likewise?

This has been our course for nearly thirty years.

We went to Britain upon this principle and laboured there. … If a man be really devoted to the Truth he will not wait for money to be raised to send him out. When by his earnest and self-denying labours he makes his influence felt, means will come in with the labour to extend its field.

An “evangelist” who waits to be sent out by subscription is just the man who should stay at home and take care of his own household.

Dr. John Thomas



Those Belonging to the called ones coming together

How to Form an Ecclesia

Having a small church mentality

A breathing ecclesia

Christadelphian Halls

Ecclesia – Church – Minding your reference

Need of elders

Qualifications of a Presiding Brother

Elders, pastors, paid or unpaid professionals

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