Today’s thought “No one can tame the tongue” (December 09)

When we hear the following part of Scripture we might doubt if it would be possible to tame our tongue.

“7 For every {1 } kind of beasts and birds, of creeping things and things in the sea, is tamed, and hath been tamed {2 } by {3 } mankind. {1) Gr nature 2) Or unto 3) Gr the human nature }8 But the tongue can no man tame; it is a restless evil, it is full of deadly poison.” (Jas 3:7-8 ASV)

Today’s 3rd and 4th Bible reading brings us to the letters James wrote to his fellow brethren and sisters. We learn from those epistles we should be careful with our words and with our behaviour towards others. He warns about wrong or misbehaviour or un-Christlike behaviour and wrong words but also wrong or false teachings or wrong instructions or teachings not in line with the teachings of Christ and with the commandments and Will of God. On that part Jesus also had already told people they should obey God’s Word and be doers of the law. Jesus challenged more than ones the religious elites and leaders of his time here on earth. Also, several pastoral epistles tackle a lot that subject.

First of all we always should remember that there is Only One Who is the Lawgiver and able to appoint ‘a’ or ‘the judge’, who shall come to earth at the end of times to judge the living and the dead. God also give people time to adjust their own self and to adopt themselves to the faith they have found.

Verse 8 of James third chapter, is not a conclusion that taming the tongue is impossible or unattainable so therefore should not be attempted. From other books in the Bible we learn that God has given His Word for education or teaching, profitable for instruction, for correction, for reproof, so that we can be trained in righteousness and can come to correct ourselves and those around us. When reading the Bible and listening to the right teachers we should be able to see how the Bible is profitable for doctrine, profitable for discipline and to help us to change our character, our behaviour but also our way of speaking. Having the infallible Word of God being profitable for making us perfect; that means in all forms of our way of life we shall be able to correct ourselves and come to control ourselves.

James’ words should be seen as making the point that taming the tongue is impossible without God’s supernatural Power. True believers will have both a saved tongue, which is the sovereign work of God to subdue it for His glory, as well as a sanctified tongue, which is our responsibility as believers to restrain or to keep it in check by our obedience as we grow in our likeness to our Saviour, Jesus Christ.

“16 {1 } Every scripture inspired of God is also profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for {2 } instruction which is in righteousness. {1) Or Every scripture is inspired of God, and profitable 2) Or discipline }17 That the man of God may be complete, furnished completely unto every good work.” (2Ti 3:16-17 ASV)

Since it might be very difficult to tame our tongue, we should ask for divine intervention, we must start by seeking God’s help to please Him with our speech.From the Book of books we can learn what we should avoid, like

We have to avoid bitterness, pride, envy, anger, and unforgiveness in our heart before we even say a word. Every time we catch ourselves talking in the wrong way we should correct our selves and repent.

We should not forget Jesus asked us to go out in the world and to proclaim the Good News. The 3rd and 4th chapter should not put us of for doing the required duty. We have to share the Good News, but whilst doing that we always should, watch that we keep our tongue in control and have in the back of our mind

Are we bring God’s Good News?

Are we sharing the Word of God, or is it more our word towhich we give more attention?

Are we doing our work for God in the right way?

Are we worhty presenters of God’s Word?

And last but not least:

Are we lving, acting and speaking in the way Christ Jesus and God would like it?



Have you also been deceived

the Bible – God’s guide for life #3 Fast food or staple diet

Bible, God’s Word to edify (ERV)

Not being saved by faith in Christ alone

When having found faith through the study of the Bible we do need to do works of faith

Examples of Living Faith

Be an example

Today’s thought “He who walks righteously …” (June 9)

Today’s thought “Teachers will be judged with greater strictness than others” (December 09)

Today’s thought “A serious warning for teachers” (December 09)

To be prepared for the Day of Judgment


Additional reading

  1. Challenging claim
  2. Revealing books
  3. Gaining deeper understanding
  4. Written down in God’s Name for righteousness
  5. Bible, helmet of health, salvation and sword of the spirit
  6. A Book to trust #20 Available in many languages #3
  7. Main verses in the Bible telling us Who God is #8 Some more attributes of God
  8. Importance to read the Bible regularly and gain understanding
  9. Vital importance of reading and following the Kitvei Hakodesh
  10. The Nazarene master teacher learning people how they should behave
  11. Matthew 15 An argument with the Scribes – Teachers and traditions
  12. Gates to different belief systems in this world
  13. A Living Faith #10: Our manner of Life #2
  14. What Tolerance really means
  15. Not liking your Christians
  16. Re–forming ourselves
  17. Wired to Connect?
  18. Not set free to do as we like
  19. Words as weapon to witness
  20. Good or bad preacher
  21. Fruitfulness
  22. Following Christ involves a wholehearted commitment
  23. Unconditional love
  24. Think before you speak
  25. The Ecclesia
  26. Bearing Witness
  27. Witnessing for non-Jews
  28. Witnessing for Jews

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