Today’s thought “No one can tame the tongue” (December 09)

When we hear the following part of Scripture we might doubt if it would be possible to tame our tongue. “7 For every {1 } kind of beasts and birds, of creeping things and things in the sea, is tamed, and hath been tamed {2 } by {3 } mankind. {1) Gr nature 2) Or unto 3) Gr… Read More Today’s thought “No one can tame the tongue” (December 09)

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When having found faith through the study of the Bible we do need to do works of faith

When we have found the Word of God and started reading the Bible with an open mind, letting the words come to us like they are written, it shall transform our inner self, if we allow it to do that. When we do come into the faith, believing in One God and believing in His… Read More When having found faith through the study of the Bible we do need to do works of faith

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