Signs of the Times – “A Middle East assassination”

Tensions between the USA and Iran escalated towards the end of 2019, culminating early this month with the killing in Iraq of Iran’s second most powerful figure, General Qasem Soleimani, in an American airstrike. President Trump justified his decision to act in this way by claiming that “Soleimani was plotting imminent and sinister attacks on… Read More Signs of the Times – “A Middle East assassination”

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Signs of the times – “The Iranian corridor”

In recent years Iran has gradually extended its influence across the Middle East – both directly and through proxies – and its unremitting hostility to the State of Israel is a source of deep concern in that country. Recent press reports, such as the following comments from The Guardian, have highlighted Tehran’s determination to have… Read More Signs of the times – “The Iranian corridor”

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Signs of the times – “A new order in the Middle East”

Looking back over the past seven years and the upheavals generated by the so-called “Arab Spring”, it is interesting to see how the hopes of millions of people across the Middle East and North Africa were quickly dashed. A recent article entitled, “The New Arab Order: Power and Violence in Today’s Middle East” by Marc… Read More Signs of the times – “A new order in the Middle East”

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Christadelphian Samaritan Fund and donation to appeals by UNICEF

Christadelphians support various charities worldwide and in addition have set up organisations to cover the care of our elderly, families in distress, and missionary work. One of such funds is the Christadelphian Samaritan Fund which makes financial contributions to non-Christadelphians to provide for human need and the relief of suffering which is a consequence of… Read More Christadelphian Samaritan Fund and donation to appeals by UNICEF

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