Today’s Thought “We who have fled for refuge” (June 01)

Today’s Thought “We who have fled for refuge” (June 01) How many – or few – desire from their hearts to flee “for refuge” from the godlessness of today’s world? Hebrews 7 today has many thought-challenging points like this! But first we are in awe of Isaiah 24 and its description of God’s judgement’s on… Read More Today’s Thought “We who have fled for refuge” (June 01)

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Today’s thought “For judgment I came into this world” (April 17)

Today’s thought “For judgment I came into this world” (April 17) John records some of the most thought challenging sayings of Jesus – more than the other gospel writers. Consider the conversation of Jesus with the man, whose blindness he healed: (he had been born blind so what a healing that was!). The man had… Read More Today’s thought “For judgment I came into this world” (April 17)

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How should we worship God? #1 Appreciation for God

The apostle Paul had been systematically explaining the gospel of salvation when he suddenly paused in wonderment, as though overtaken by the magnificence of God’s grace and mercy towards fallen humanity. He had glimpsed the end of God’s purpose, the salvation of all those who respond to God’s invitation and choose to be saved, when… Read More How should we worship God? #1 Appreciation for God

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Today’s thought “Who then is this?” (February 8)

Today’s thought “Who then is this?” (February 8) We all have probably had the experience of suddenly seeing another side of friend’s character that we did not know existed. We then wonder what kind of person they really are! Hopefully these are good things we see, but sadly, that is not always the case. Now… Read More Today’s thought “Who then is this?” (February 8)

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Today’s thought “The floods came, and the winds blew …” (January 5)

Today we have the ‘simple’ lessons Jesus taught – they are lessons of life or death; of eternal existence, or oblivion, in an eternal sense – these are the only two alternatives before each of us. Matthew 7 opens out to us the simple but profound teaching of Jesus on the pathways of life that… Read More Today’s thought “The floods came, and the winds blew …” (January 5)

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Today’s Thought “You will keep … in perfect peace” (May 03)

Today’s Thought “You will keep … in perfect peace” (May 03) Our Isaiah and Hebrews readings provide an abundance of thoughts today. Some verses encourage peace of mind, others a sense of awe at what is coming on the world, at the judgement our godless world deserves. Isaiah 26 contains a grouping of quite contrasting… Read More Today’s Thought “You will keep … in perfect peace” (May 03)

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Today’s thought “God will bring every deed into judgment … whether good or evil” (May 03)

Today’s thought “God will bring every deed into judgment … whether good or evil” (May 03) These are the final words in Solomon’s book of Ecclesiastes. In the previous verse he had written, “Fear God and keep his commandments, for this is the whole duty of mankind”. At the start of this book we read,… Read More Today’s thought “God will bring every deed into judgment … whether good or evil” (May 03)

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Concluding thought by the article series “Key to the Bible”

Each individual has to make their own choices, making up their mind what they do want to believe and whom they would like to follow. Having looked at the key elements of the Bible we must consider what we really want to do,keeping to follow this world and holding fast to worldly traditions or following the Nazarene master teacher Jeshua (Jesus christ) and becoming a real Christian or a Christadelphian to go through life as a Brother or Sister in Christ.… Read More Concluding thought by the article series “Key to the Bible”

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Is Hell-fire something to fear

Lots of Christian who think the hell is a place of eternal torture do forget that Jesus was three days in hell and that Israel’s patriarch Jacob was convinced he would also go to hell. In this article we look at the real biblical meaning of sheol, hades or hell. According to the bible sheol or the grave is the abode or place were both righteous and wicked remain until the call of Jesus at the Last Days and the resurrection of the dead.… Read More Is Hell-fire something to fear

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Today’s thought “Scorned by mankind” (January 10)

Today’s thought “Scorned by mankind” (January 10) Genesis 10, Psalm 22, Matthew 12 What fascinating thought challenging readings we have today! First, in Genesis we have the judgement of the Creator on the godlessness of Sodom and Gomorrah and how God sent angels to deliver Lot, his wife and family. We read how his sons-in-law… Read More Today’s thought “Scorned by mankind” (January 10)

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