Webinar: Strong Tower Series

Strong Tower Series
A webinar series equipping ecclesias to protect children and familiar from online harm.
Announcement from Sisters Leslie Wood, Laura Braden, and Lisa Kapusta
Dear Brothers and Sisters,

As we await the return of our Lord Jesus Christ the world around us is growing increasingly dark and perilous. Many of those perils come directly into our homes and surround us 24/7 through the power of Internet-connected devices. The Internet and the online world it unleashed pose serious risks to the physical safety and spiritual well-being of our children and families, risks that were unimaginable only a generation ago. While we all strive to protect our children and families, many among us are not adequately informed about the dangers of the Internet — especially to children — or are ill equipped to navigate the challenges of raising children in this technological age.

To confront this problem and equip the body of Christ to be wise as serpents and gentle as doves, concerned Christadelphians have joined forces to launch “Strong Tower: A Webinar Series Equipping Ecclesias to Protect Children and Families from Online Harm.”  The first of these webinars will be hosted on Tuesday, June 7, at 8:00 PM EST (7PM CDT, 6PM MDT, 5PM PDT), and will feature Kristen Jenson, Founder and CEO of Defend Young Minds. Mrs. Jenson is the author of the books Good Pictures Bad Pictures and Good Pictures Bad Pictures Jr. Her presentation is title “Four Pillars of Prevention.” We urge everyone who in anyway has children or young people in their lives to attend this free discussion.

To learn more and to register for this event please visit the website: shinelightin.com/strong-tower.

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