Thought for today November 4th Going to graveyards and people going to dust

Yesterday we thought about the greatness of our Divine Creator, Who has to become recognized and praised as the One and Only True God.  Him being the Most High Living God, Lord above all gods and lords, and should be greatly praised, and be beautiful in elevation, so that the whole world may come to see the joy of the whole earth being Mount Zion, on the north sides, the city of the great King. (Psalm 48:1-2)

Many of us look forward to the day that multitudes who sleep in the dust of the earth will awake: some to everlasting life, others to shame and everlasting contempt. (Daniel 12:2) The past weekend, in Belgium and France we could find many people visiting the cemeteries talking to their dead. It might be a great comfort for them to think their beloved are in heaven, but that is not what the Bible tells us where they are. According to the Word of God all those who die are like in a deep sleep, knowing and feeling nothing.

Though we do not want to die, we all know that one day we shall come to die.

Many people would love to give honour and rewards to their beloved who have left this earth, but the dead know nothing.
Dead people have no more reward, and we also can notice after some time people start forgetting them.

For the living know that they shall die: but the dead know not anything, neither have they any more a reward; for the memory of them is forgotten. (Ecclesiastes 9:5 ASV)

We may wonder what the people want to get from those who are buried in those graveyards. Many go and clean the tombs and put flowers on the stone on the first and/of second of November, but for the rest of the year they seem not to think much about them. Whatever work they do, thinking to be doing their best, because they are going to the grave, where there is no working, no planning, no knowledge, and no wisdom, they are more interested in the human philosophies and many stories about what would happen to the dead and in other worlds where there would be ghosts and afterlife.

10 Whatsoever thy hand [a]findeth to do, do it with thy might; for there is no work, nor device, nor knowledge, nor wisdom, in Sheol, whither thou goest. (Ecclesiastes 9:10 ASV)

Not many want to accept that the same thing would happen to them as to animals; they both having the same breath, both feeling pain when the live and both going to die one day. People do not want to accept that they would be no better off than the animals. They do not like the idea that everything would be useless, people ending up the same way as animals; both coming from dust and both going back to dust.

19 For that which befalleth the sons of men befalleth beasts; even one thing befalleth them: as the one dieth, so dieth the other; yea, they have all one [a]breath; and man hath no preeminence above the beasts: for all is vanity. 20 All go unto one place; all are of the dust, and all turn to dust again. (Ecclesiastes 3:19-20 ASV)

The past weekend and Autumn holiday we could see how many people wanted to honour their dead in place of honouring the living God. Is it because they fer death so much or that lots of people are really afraid for what dead people might do to them, that they love to have all events going about the mystery of death and the dead, witches and ghosts?

For many it can not be that their beloved would not receive a special place in heaven. Most of all, they love to see their beloved to become set apart or to be a saint to whom they can ask for things in their life. Several believe that God has knit together their beloved dead ones as His elect in one communion and fellowship in the mystical body of His Son Christ.

These days lots of people spoke about death and the dead.

Talking about death reminds us of our own mortality, our own powerlessness, the one thing that even the best doctors cannot ultimately fix, only delay. Like taxes, we can sometimes file for an extension, but we cannot avoid death. {Curation}

For the rest of the year people prefer not to speak to much about the death and dead. Lots of people prefer not to say the person is death but say “asleep” him or she being a star high in the sky.

We avoid the word “death” –we don’t say someone died. “He passed,” “she transitioned,” “he crossed over,” “she has gone to a better place.” We “celebrate their life” but go to great lengths to avoid the cold hard word “death.” We prolong life in hospitals, we avoid making wills or estate plans or advanced directives. We don’t tell our pastors when we are sick or in trouble because we “don’t want anybody to see us like that.” We may show death and gore in action and fantasy film plots, but we avoid talking about how it happens in real day to day life. {Curation}

It is a very well-known fact that people do not want to be reminded of their own mortality. Talking about that mortality is like showing to others we fear such an end to our own life. For many it is also a matter of weakness and our own powerlessness not being able to take our own life in our own hands.

… the one thing that even the best doctors cannot ultimately fix, only delay. Like taxes, we can sometimes file for an extension, but we cannot avoid death. {Curation}

From the grave of James Graham, Scotland, 1645: “Scatter my ashes, strew them in the air Lord, since thou knowest where all these atoms are, I’m hopeful Thou’lt recover once my dust, And confident Thou’lt raise me with the Just.”



Today’s thought “And they feared greatly” (February 6)

Today’s thought “Therefore nations will praise you forever …” (January 25)

Sheol, Sheool, Sjeool, Hades, Hell, Grave, Tomb, Sepulchre

Thought for November 1: To the time of the end: many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall be increased.


Additional reading

  1. Halloween is Satanist Christmas
  2. All Saints’ Day
  3. Autumn traditions for 2014 – 2 Summersend and mansend
  4. Autumn traditions for 2014 – 4 Blasphemy and ridiculing faith in God
  5. Autumn traditions for 2014 – 5 People, souls and saints in the news
  6. Autumn traditions for 2014 – 6 Bonfire night
  7. Heaven and hell still high on the believers list showing a religion gender gap
  8. Concerning the Spiritual Body
  9. Grave, tomb, sepulchre – graf, begraafplaats, rustplaats, sepulcrum


Photo of “St. Andrews Church, Walberswick, Prayer” from Saints: God’s superheroes, by Margaret Mary McFadyen, a Spiritual Director, trained in Ignatian spirituality in particular, who teaches Science/Chemistry part time in a Church secondary school and represents her diocese at the Bishops Conference Spirituality Committee meetings.


  1. a discovery of witches by deborah harkness
  2. Spooked
  3. The World Was Not Worthy
  4. All Hallows
  5. Halloween and Generosity
  6. Candy
  7. Of Fire Pits and Final Walks
  8. An Uncomfortable Truth
  9. WOE!!!! 11-3-19
  10. Blessed Mourners (St. Matthew 5:1-12)
  11. All Saints – The way the world should be
  12. What’s a Saint?
  13. Saints: God’s superheroes.
  14. “Thanking God for All the Saints” (Revelation 7:9-17)
  15. All Saints
  16. All Saints or Halloween?
  17. all saints Ioragode was born in 1656, likely in the Mohawk village of Ossernon.
  18. Thankful for All the Saints
  19. Everyday Saints
  20. Saints and Souls
  21. All Saints & All Souls 2019
  22. All Souls (C) – Commemoration of All the Faithful Departed – 2nd Nov 2019All Souls If tomorrow is Hallowe’en, then Friday is All Saints’ Day.
  23. All Souls A very fine way to prepare for our own deaths is to pray for those already dead.
  24. Mass for The Faithfully Departed (All Souls): November 2nd 2019 *Updated*
  25. Requiem, 2 November 2019
  26. All Souls and Giving Thanks
  27. Commemoration Homily for the Feast of All Saints,
  28. Changed, Not Ended: Some Thoughts on All Saints Sunday
  29. Communion of all the saints: A Sermon for All Saints’ Sunday, 2019
  30. Sermon Preached at St Mary Magdalen, Oxford, 3 November 2019
  31. All Saints Sunday & Pledge Dedication
  32. All Saints Day Sermon, 2019
  33. November 1: All Saints Day
  34. 1 November 2019
  35. November 2: All Souls Day
  36. November 2: Solitude
  37. All Souls
  38. All Souls and Giving Thanks
  39. All Souls – The commemoration of the faithful departed. Catholic Inspiration
  40. A necromancer’s fetish on All Saints Day
  41. Family Tree
  42. Praying Sustains Us Throughout Life
  43. If E’er My Heart in Riper Years
  44. Threads in the Great Web of Being: An All Saints Reflection
  45. Regeneration
  46. Be a blessing to others
  47. The World Needs All the Saints God Can Muster
  48. Just imagine what God can do with you
  49. Ecclesiastical Time Lords<

12 thoughts on “Thought for today November 4th Going to graveyards and people going to dust

  1. Hi,
    I am thrilled that you have chosen to use my photo of “St. Andrews Church, Walberswick, Prayer” in your post and I would appreciate it if you would attribute it to me directly, with a back link to my site. I see you have included a link to my post in your list – thank you, but please would you also link it directly with my photo.
    Thank you.
    God bless.
    Margaret Mary


    1. Dear Margaret Mary McFadyen, thank you for contacting us so that we could place also some more information by the picture, what we have done now as you shall be able to notice. (Because we had no direct information by the picture we, only could mention your article and direct to your site.)


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