Signs of the Times – Afghanistan: a defeat for the West?

After twenty years of conflict, the US withdrawal from Afghanistan has brought the curtain down on Nato’s military mission there. BBC News reported: “Under a deal with the militant group, the US and its Nato allies agreed to withdraw all troops in return for a commitment by the Taliban not to allow al-Qaeda or any… Read More Signs of the Times – Afghanistan: a defeat for the West?

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Afghanistan 2020-21 report – 9/11 – 20 Years on – A land in shambles

The landlocked multiethnic country located in the heart of south-central Asia that got in the news every day for twenty years, got special attention when America decided to leave that region of a continuous endless war. For millennia great armies have attempted to subdue Afghanistan, officially Islamic State of Afghanistan. Its significant mineral resources remain largely… Read More Afghanistan 2020-21 report – 9/11 – 20 Years on – A land in shambles

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These days of August thinking of our brothers and sisters in Afghanistan

From today’s reading: “4 I thank my God always concerning you, for the grace of God which was given you in Christ Jesus; 5 that in everything ye were enriched in him, in all utterance and all knowledge;” (1Co 1:4-5 ASV) Like the apostle Paul who often thought of his brethren and sisters in the… Read More These days of August thinking of our brothers and sisters in Afghanistan

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