These days of August thinking of our brothers and sisters in Afghanistan

From today’s reading:

“4 I thank my God always concerning you, for the grace of God which was given you in Christ Jesus; 5 that in everything ye were enriched in him, in all utterance and all knowledge;” (1Co 1:4-5 ASV)

Like the apostle Paul who often thought of his brethren and sisters in the ecclesia, we too think of all our brothers and sisters around us, but these days also especially those in Afghanistan. They are in a very difficult situation, not being connected with the allied forces, but as non-Muslim in a dangerous situation.

Every time we think of them. Also our Iraqi and Iran friends know about the difficulty and horror they have to go through.

They with us thank God for their lives of free and open access to God, given by Jesus and look forward that our Afghan brothers and sisters would be able to escape the terror of the Taliban. We dare to ask God to be especially with them. There’s no end to what has happened in them — it’s beyond speech, beyond knowledge.

Let our thoughts be with them, and let us pray they shall find safety in their own country or that they will find a way to come to safety in the west.



Find also to read:

  1. A vision of a very different future for Kandahar culture
  2. ISIS on the rise again as US troops are sent home
  3. If Europe fails on the question of refugees, then it won’t be the Europe we wished for
  4. Bringers of agony, Trained in Belgium and Syria
  5. Asylum seekers crisis and Europe’s paralysis
  6. The Iranian American Frieda Afary looking with (republican?) American eyes at Iran
  7. Afghanistan: international community statement
  8. Taliban conquest of Afghanistan a clock to turn back years
  9. Worse Than Saigon
  10. Afghan Notes: Jason Florio, August 2000
  11. A Saigon moment looms in Kabul
  12. Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan back with a bang
  13. Afghanistan — What It Tells You
  14. Moving heaven and earth to get every last American in Afghanistan back to American soil
  15. Expecting the E.U. to stand in solidarity with the people of Afghanistan
  16. The Fall of Kabul: The Return of the Taliban
  17. Afghan mums throw their babies over barbed wire fences and beg British soldiers to take them to safety
  18. Do world religions threaten the survival of the human race in the 21st century

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