The “Fifth Gospel” and other publications

Christadelphian Scripture Study Service News


The world stands on the brink of the most momentous events in history: the return of the Lord Jesus Christ and the establishment of God’s Kingdom here on earth.

Those who have not yet made the commitment to follow Jesus – and even those who have – may feel unsure about what lies ahead, uncertain of the changes that the Kingdom will mean, and daunted by what is required of them if they wish to be there with Christ and all the faithful.

Writing with enthusiasm, Stephen Whitehouse responds to these challenges. Using his imagination, but always based upon the evidence of numerous Bible passages, he encourages readers to look forward in faith, remembering that it is ‘our Father’s good pleasure to give us the Kingdom’ (Luke 12:32), and to take up the challenge of following the Lord Jesus – while we have the opportunity to do so. The time to act is now; the best is yet to come!

Every chapter is followed by a summary, reflections and questions.

Author: Stephen Whitehouse, 174 pages, soft cover.  Published by The Christadelphian, March 2024. Order your copy at

New Reprint Available

In this timeless classic each of the 27 chapters shows how the hand of God has worked. Author: Robert Roberts. Published by The Christadelphian (CMPA) in 2024, this is the 12th printing since the first edition in 1881. More

Major new book to be published in May – God Willing
Isaiah is often hailed as the “Fifth Gospel” due to its rich messianic themes and its unparalleled ability to foreshadow the work of Jesus Christ. There is, too, the grandeur and poetic beauty of God’s words through the prophet, by the use of vivid metaphors and striking allegories.

The purpose of this series is to present a study that explains the significance of each prophecy and the atmosphere and drama embedded within each vision. Too often a verse-by-verse approach neglects this important dimension.

This is the first volume of a three-part exposition of the prophecy of Isaiah and comes with a comprehensive Scriptual Index.

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