Today’s thought “Struggling on your behalf in his prayers” (November 15)

Today’s thought “Struggling on your behalf in his prayers” (November 15) The wonder and reality of effective prayer confronts us in today’s readings. Paul tells the Colossians to “continue steadfastly in prayer, being watchful in it with thanksgiving … pray also for us” (4:2,3). Paul is imprisoned, he asks them to “remember my chains” (verse… Read More Today’s thought “Struggling on your behalf in his prayers” (November 15)

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Today’s thought “… and to the end of the earth” (April 30)

Today’s thought “… and to the end of the earth” (April 30) We should be familiar with the words of the Lord’s Prayer that Jesus taught his disciples. “Thy will be done on earth.” Our readings today show us how God creates situations to see that his will is carried out – when men neglect… Read More Today’s thought “… and to the end of the earth” (April 30)

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Today’s thought “The LORD caused all that he did to succeed” (January 24)

Today’s thought “The LORD caused all that he did to succeed” (January 24) There is a lot of ‘food for thought’ in today’s account in Genesis of the experience of young Joseph after he was sold as a slave into Egypt by his jealous brothers. We need to take careful note of the several references… Read More Today’s thought “The LORD caused all that he did to succeed” (January 24)

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