Today’s Thought (September 02): Bear the yoke in our youth

The Lamentations of Jeremiah is not a book we necessarily enjoy reading, but we need to be careful not to read only those things that give a positive message and we find encouraging. There are some gems hidden in this prophet’s words of despair and distress. The first two chapters are about how God’s anger… Read More Today’s Thought (September 02): Bear the yoke in our youth

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Today’s thought “Sound an alarm for the day of Jehovah that comes” (November 19)

Today’s thought “Sound an alarm for the day of Jehovah that comes” (November 19) Living in these godless days we may not forget the many prophesies, stories and parables which are told in the Book of books, the Bible. Ages after those writings were heard for the first time, we should be more aware that… Read More Today’s thought “Sound an alarm for the day of Jehovah that comes” (November 19)

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Today’s thought “… and have no knowledge” (July 24)

Today’s thought “… and have no knowledge” (July 24) Today we continued reading Jeremiah and saw the exchange of words between the Lord and the prophet. There is no genuine spirituality left among the people, it is all a sham – yet the prophet appeals to God to act to relieve the terrible famine that… Read More Today’s thought “… and have no knowledge” (July 24)

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Today’s thought “They flattered … they lied” (February 14)

Today’s thought “They flattered … they lied” (February 14) Scanning our eyes through today’s reading of Psalm 78, our attention was arrested by the many references to God’s people Israel that – they did this, and they did that. I counted twenty-seven times the word “they” occurred! The word ‘they” was used in reference to… Read More Today’s thought “They flattered … they lied” (February 14)

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