Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) versus Christianity and end times

In advancement of the meeting in South West Wales in September talking about the endtimes we looked these weeks at how we should prepare ourselves for the coming terrible days.

When we study the Holy Scriptures we can find many signs of events we can recognise today in what is going on in the world. We all can see that lots of bad things happen in this world, but we also should recognise that we ourselves are not always without blame.

In which way do we act and react on certain circumstances? What do we do or what do we not do, when confronted with certain facts? We should know that by not doing certain things or not taking action, we also give a sign or take on an attitude which also can be wrong. Always we should remember how Jesus took it up for those without a voice, the poor and needy. How do we want to come up for the voiceless, the outcasts, the poor and needy?

web-koch02nw7.JPGWe always should remember that we are also not with fault and have a sinful nature. At this we should work. We also should take up our responsibilities. Not taking them up, or doing if your nose bleeds is also being guilty of the situation. We, each individually have to take our responsibility. We all can do a much better job of treating those who are different, the outcasts, the refugees, the mental illness. There are different ways we can help those voiceless and poor people.  We also can help people be showing them better ways, educating them about how to live their lives in a manner that allows them to avoid poverty and problems.

A recent talk in our mother ecclesia paralleled Christianity with Alcoholics Anonymous (AA).
On the face of it, not much common ground. But when you realise that Alcoholics Anonymous is founded firmly on Christian principles and that we are in many ways addicted to sin, the parallels are clear and can be found useful also for us.

AA meeting sign
AA meeting sign (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Alcoholics Anonymous has a successful “Twelve Steps” programme, more than half of which make specific reference to God.

The Newbury ecclesia considered a shorter “Seven Steps” programme for ‘Sinners Anonymous’. Please continue to read about it there, where we are reminded that we can’t cure ourselves from our sin-prone-ness and must rely on God to save us.

A second chance. And a third. And a fourth…


Preceding articles:

South West Wales Prophecy Day 2016 September 24

Not or well Ashamed of the gospel and admitting to be a God loving person


Additional reading

  1. Signs of the Last Days
  2. Looking for True Spirituality 8 Measuring Up
  3. Devotees and spotters
  4. Being enlightened concerning the significance of the times in which we are now living
  5. Be sound in mind and be vigilant with a view to prayers
  6. Thoughts and reflections taking only a few minutes


Further reading

  1. To What Degree are the “Collective We” Responsible for Homeless People in the United States
  2. The Secret Years
  3. The Reservoir of Goodwill
  4. I´ve been called…
  5. Suppose that Instinct Still Cries Out (Step Three continued)
  6. Tipping Point
  7. Dating “in the program”
  8. Journal entry: Thursday 11 August 2016
  9. Aug. 3, 2016 – Readings in Recovery: A Day at a Time
  10. Aug. 8, 2016 – Readings in Recovery: A Day at a Time
  11. Aug. 8, 2016 – Readings in Recovery: The Eye Opener
  12. Aug. 16, 2016 – Readings in Recovery: Twenty-Four Hours a Day
  13. Aug. 17, 2016 – Readings in Recovery: The Eye Opener
  14. Sorry, Bill W. Your 12 Steps Need Revising
  15. ACoAs & Procrastination (Part 1)
  16. “My Sobriety “
  17. “Lifestyle changes” 
  18. Coping Mechanism
  19. No More Sobriety Anniversaries?
  20. 7 Tips To Quit The Booze
  21. What Recovery/Sobriety/Abstinence Means to Me.


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