Today’s thought “Testing and tempting” (June 7)

“Testing and tempting” What is the difference between being tested and being tempted? Is that clear in our minds? In our Judges readings there are several examples of God’s people being tested. Chapter 3 starts, “Now these are the nations the Lord left to test Israel … they were for the testing of Israel to… Read More Today’s thought “Testing and tempting” (June 7)

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Today’s thought “Yet I will rejoice …” (December 14)

In completing our reading of Habakkuk we noticed the ‘footnote’ that concludes the last verse, “To the choirmaster …” this indicates that the last three verses are a hymn or song. It has always been in our hymn book, yet, for many years we have rarely heard it sung. It seems to us that we… Read More Today’s thought “Yet I will rejoice …” (December 14)

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Today’s thought “… God who tests our hearts” (May 17)

Today’s thought “… God who tests our hearts” (May 17) Paul makes a very instructive point in his first letter to the Thessalonians that we started reading today. Paul was greatly encouraged by the believers there and had many positive things to say about them – rather a contrast to his letters to the Corinthians.… Read More Today’s thought “… God who tests our hearts” (May 17)

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