Today’s thought “The trial of faith” (January 12)

When a man contemplates buying a car he takes it out on the road to see how it behaves under normal conditions. He does not try driving it across a rough mountain side, nor does he deliberately crash it into a stone wall. By contrast, when an engineer wishes to know the quality of some metal, he subjects samples of it to various extreme tests, twisting or loading them to the point of destruction.
It was the first kind of “temptation” which God now brought to bear on Abraham (Genesis 22:1). But “lead us not into temptation” means the second kind of experience: “Lord, do not bring us into such temptations as may prove too much for us.” And James’ emphatic “neither tempteth he any man” clearly means:

“God never tempts any man with the intention of working his downfall.”

“He will not suffer you to be tempted above that ye are able; but will with the temptation also make a way of escape (as for Israel at the Red Sea), that ye may be able to bear it.”

Harry Whittaker, Abraham – Father of the Faithful, page 95.

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