Just fewer publications due to the start-up of a new ecclesia

  You may have noticed that fewer publications have been posted here on this Brussels-Leuven ecclesia site. This was because my health failed somewhat, but also because I have spent more time building a new ecclesia in Anderlecht in recent months. We notice that, even though we send many Dutch-language magazines, few Dutch-language visitors come… Read More Just fewer publications due to the start-up of a new ecclesia

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Today’s thought “Joining with their brothers” (November 22)

Real Christians should separate themselves from the world like God’s Chosen People also separated itself. The Hebrew people in the time of Ezra separated itself from the peoples of the lands to the Law of God, their wives, their sons, their daughters, all who had knowledge and understanding, and joined with their brothers, their nobles,… Read More Today’s thought “Joining with their brothers” (November 22)

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How the autobiography of the Belgian Christadelphian community would look like

You’re writing your autobiography. What’s your opening sentence? An autobiography for a church sounds weird. Though, certain churches can use some history exposure. Throughout history, there have been many groups of people who tried to form a community or religious group where they wanted to worship the Divine Creator of heaven and earth. Like there… Read More How the autobiography of the Belgian Christadelphian community would look like

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