Signs of the Times – Tensions between Russia and Israel

(With thanks to Brother Roger Long) Establishing a measure of cooperation with Moscow over Syria has allowed the Israeli government to continue operations against Iranian-backed groups such as Hezbollah. Thus, the Israeli response to the crisis in Ukraine has been quite low-key, sending humanitarian help to Kyiv, but refusing to dispatch military aid or participate… Read More Signs of the Times – Tensions between Russia and Israel

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Signs of the times – “Ukraine under pressure”

Following the annexation of Crimea in 2014 and military intervention in Ukraine, the US, the EU and other countries imposed harsh sanctions against Russia in an attempt to isolate her. Mr Putin’s government responded by imposing its own against the West. The rouble went into freefall – a combination of sanctions and cheaper oil. In… Read More Signs of the times – “Ukraine under pressure”

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Signs of the times – “A new deal with Russia?”

During his election campaign Donald Trump made a number of well publicised policy soundbites, including a desire for the US to have a better relationship with Russia. Moscow certainly welcomed his election victory and President Putin was one of the world’s first leaders to congratulate Mr Trump on his victory. However, relations between Washington and… Read More Signs of the times – “A new deal with Russia?”

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