Special notice / prayer request: Iranian detentions (Rwanda)

There has been much in the news in recent weeks about the UK government’s plan to remove some asylum seekers to Rwanda. Around 120 people have been detained, pending a decision on whether they can legally be deported. Among this number, we know of two brothers and four who have been attending Christadelphian meetings. A number of visits have been made to them in immigration removal centres, and, God willing, these will continue on a regular basis as long as this is needed.

There are many other brothers, sisters and friends who are fearful that they too will be deported, since, it is not yet certain who will be eligible even though the proportion of asylum seekers selected will be relatively low. Those who already have refugee status (‘leave to remain’) are not at risk, but they are worried for friends and family who may be. We ask for your prayers as we seek to face this challenge with wisdom, compassion and faithfulness.

Richard Benson (Newport ecclesia) and Amanda Jones (Watford ecclesia


Find also to read

  1. The Telegraph’s exclusive investigation: The Lockdown Files and looking at illegal migrants
  2. Sunday 2023 March 26 Frontpage
  3. Frontpage for Thursday 16 November 2023
  4. What attracted attention in the second half of April 2024

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