Priorities for our Christadelphian community and for the spreading of Good News

In Belgium we are a very very tiny community. Our mother-church in England has many baptised members and everywhere in Great-Britain you shall be able to find Christadelphian Halls. Not so in Belgium, the Netherlands nor in France. We are not so lucky or not so blessed. The difference with us and other Christian denominational… Read More Priorities for our Christadelphian community and for the spreading of Good News

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Today’s thought “Ability to receive ableness from God” (May 11)

Today’s thought “Ability that comes from God” (May 11) When you read this article it means first of all that you exist and as such have the abilityto live and that you are able to read, think and understand. Being able to live we are confronted with choices in our life we have to make.… Read More Today’s thought “Ability to receive ableness from God” (May 11)

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