Kingdom Visions of God’s judgements and Marriage of the Lamb

God’s judgements And I saw another sign in the heaven, great and marvellous: seven messengers having the seven last plagues,1 for the wrath of Elohim was ended in them. Footnote: 1See 21:9. And I saw like a sea of glass mixed with fire, and those overcoming the beast and his image and his mark and… Read More Kingdom Visions of God’s judgements and Marriage of the Lamb

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Israel – land of unwalled villages, a wall and a coming war #2 A wall is built

Continuation of: Israel – land of unwalled villages, a wall and a coming war #1 Israel – full of contradictions!  A wall is built And so Israel’s leaders decided to build a wall. A wall that snaked through the centre of Israel and around Jerusalem. A 436 mile long wall! The wall is the largest… Read More Israel – land of unwalled villages, a wall and a coming war #2 A wall is built

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Today’s thought “Thus shall Babylon sink” (August 29)

Jeremiah 51, a chapter of 64 verses is quite remarkable, quite challenging. It is all about Babylon and God’s judgements on her, that mighty city. She had destroyed Jerusalem and God’s great Temple and taken all its treasures. She is led by a king who, up to this time, had been all conquering. The book… Read More Today’s thought “Thus shall Babylon sink” (August 29)

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Today’s thought “This defiles a person” (July 14)

Today’s thought “This defiles a person” (July 14) Most people are never conscious of the need for spiritual cleanliness; the Jewish religious leaders had made quite a ritual out of material and physical cleanliness, hands in particularly had to be constantly cleansed. In today’s chapter in Matthew we read a lesson of Jesus about this… Read More Today’s thought “This defiles a person” (July 14)

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Today’s thought “Whoever desires to love life and see good days …” (December 13)

Surely we all desire to experience goods days, to love and enjoy life. Well then, let us specially notice Peter’s advice that we read in his letter today – for his next words, to those above, are “let him (or her) keep his tongue from evil and his lips from speaking deceit; let him turn… Read More Today’s thought “Whoever desires to love life and see good days …” (December 13)

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Today’s thought “Be astounded and perish” (November 3)

Today’s thought “Be astounded and perish” (November 3) As we proceed in reading the book of Acts we see the challenges Paul and Barnabas faced in spreading the good news about the true God and His son Jesus; we see the kind of opposition they attracted. “Brothers, sons of the family of Abraham, and those… Read More Today’s thought “Be astounded and perish” (November 3)

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Today’s thought After the Challenge on Mount Carmel (August 24)

Today’s readings (August 24th).. (1 Kings 19), (Jeremiah 45,46), (1 Corinthians 4,5) Elijah showed he was a man of great faith when he challenged the wicked king Ahab on Mount Carmel, fire miraculously burnt up his offering and 450 prophets of Baal were killed. Then three and a half years of drought came dramatically to… Read More Today’s thought After the Challenge on Mount Carmel (August 24)

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Today’s Thought (August 02): God’s mercy upon all

God’s judgements are necessary surgical operations. His mercy is over all His works; and this mercy falls first on Israel. A divine transformation is wrought upon the people whose stony-heartedness has become proverbial, and whose whole history is a testimony of waywardness. The few great and godly men that the nation has produced, among whom… Read More Today’s Thought (August 02): God’s mercy upon all

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Today’s thought “Who has heard such a thing?” (July 10)

Today’s thought “Who has heard such a thing?” (July 10) Isaiah completes his prophecy as a message, not to kings, the high and mighty, but to a particular class of people. “Hear the word of the LORD you who tremble at his word” (66:5). Then comes a strange statement. “Before she was in labour she… Read More Today’s thought “Who has heard such a thing?” (July 10)

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