Putin compares himself to Jesus in his battle to uphold tradition

The Times, April 9, 2024


President Putin has compared himself to Jesus Christ as he quoted the Bible to explain his divine mission schooling Russia’s youth in “traditional” values.

The Russian president has frequently portrayed himself as a stalwart defender of the Christian faith against the “Satanic” West. But in a revealing insight into how Putin sees his role, he spoke in overtly religious terms about the need to shape the worldview of young Russians. Putin compared his mission of protecting the Russian youth from the creeping influence of the West to the efforts of Jesus Christ recruiting Peter and Andrew to spread the word of God.

“Do you remember how Jesus came to Galilee and saw the fishermen beside the Sea of Galilee?”

he asked a meeting of Russian officials.

“One was catching fish, another was fixing his net. And He said to them: ‘Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men, fishers of human souls.’

They became his evangelists, his students.

“This was very important at a time when world religions were developing but it is no less current now. We must defend our traditional values, our culture, our traditions and our history. This is very important for the future of the country.”


Putin counts Patriarch Kirill as an important ally in the drive to maintain public support for the war A close ally of Russian leader Vladimir Putin, Kirill has described Putin’s rule as “a miracle of God”. Kirill is Patriarch of Moscow and all Rus! At a meeting in Moscow at the end of last month, the patriarchate officially called the special military operation a “svyashchyennaya voyna” or “Holy War”. Putin is using religion himself to justify his war.

Interestingly in Joel 3 (speaking of Armageddon) it says the gentile nations will “prepare war” The word “prepare” means “sanctify” or “holy”. A “Holy War”!

Bible quote

Authorised Version =

Proclaim ye this among the Gentiles; Prepare war, wake up the mighty men, let all the men of war draw near; let them come up: (Joel 3:9)

Youngs Literal Translation =

Proclaim ye this among nations, Sanctify a war, stir up the mighty ones, Come nigh, come up, let all the men of war. (Joel 3:9)

Weekly World Watch, Andy Walton

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