The Christadelphian family in the Philippines

The Christadelphian community has increasingly become global. From continent to continent, God’s Truth is being embraced, and ecclesiae are growing. We as brothers and sisters in Christ can only be thankful to God that we may see that increase in other countries, whilst in our regions we often are disapointed because we are with such a few at the European continent.

Our fellow brethren and sisters in the U.K the last few months have seen an enormous amount of people getting baptised in our community. It does a lot of pleasure to us.

We are also greatful that the Christadelphian magazine ‘the Tidings’ want to share lovely stories about Philippians who found their way to God.

The Tidings issue of April 2022, will focus on our dear brothers and sisters in the Philippines and how our merciful God brought truth to this nation of 7,600 islands. It is a country where Protestantism didn’t get introduced until after 1898, when the Spanish-America War ended and the US acquired the Philippines
in the Treaty of Paris (December 1898).

In their December 2021 issue (What You Need to Know About Africa), The Tidings shared the incredible growth of our community in Africa. In many ways, this is a similar story

The consistent message in Africa and the Philippines is that the Truth grew by individuals sharing their passion for the gospel to those they interacted with.

The commencement of the Truth in the Philippines began in 1956 with a man named Pedro Jimeno. Pedro, who was then in his mid-50s, had been associated with the Church of God, the Seventh Day Adventists and the Filipino Philadelphia Church.
He found the teachings of these groups to be departures in several areas from what he saw when he read his Bible. His fascinating story is told in the other article you can find by his son, Bro. Rodolfo Jimeno (A Thirst for Truth).

Please invest the time to read Bro. Rodolfo’s account of how his father found the Truth, starting with a crumpled Christadelphian preaching leaflet found on a roadside drain, with the word “KINGDOM” clearly visible in large print.

The Kingdom had been the topic which he had been turning over in his mind as he was seeking for truth.
It demonstrates how God works with those seeking Him and how He involves other believers to assist

There are 690 brothers and sisters in the Philippines. Over the past five years, there have been 168 baptisms, averaging about 34 per year. The total number of brothers and sisters immersed is much higher than 690, however, some have departed the faith and many others have either become inactive or are travelling abroad to seek work.

There are several brothers and sisters from the older generation that only had a very basic education, and therefore that can be a limiting factor. Nonetheless they are faithful to what they know. The younger generation has had a lot more opportunities to learn, with Youth Conferences and Study Weekends. It is pleasing to see younger brothers and sisters growing in maturity and taking on responsibilities in the ecclesiae.

There are about 1,000 Sunday School students attending organized Christadelphian Sunday Schools. The majority of these come from non-Christadelphian families.


Please do read more about the situation in the Philippines in the April Issue of The Tidings which is now available online.


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