Bible schools in Israel in October/November 2016

Would it not be lovely to see a Bible school in Israel?

Location of Israel in the world
Location of Israel in the world (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Given the state of the world and of the Middle East, anyone considering expressing interest should be comfortable in their own mind about the safety aspects of the proposal to conduct Bible schools in Israel in October/November 2016, God willing.

You may ask yourself where you can be safe. Look at the many terrorist attacks in Belgium, France and other European countries.
The organisers (Art Courtonel, Peter Boon, a.o.) their experience in visiting the West Bank in recent years is that one is just as safe there as anywhere else if common sense and normal precautions are used. Most people living in the West Bank just want to live peaceful lives and welcome western tourists. Indeed, many depend on the latter for their income. Recent time spent in the Bethlehem apartment by Bro. Peter Boon and Michelle raised no cause for concern.

For those who may have a real interest in these schools but for various reasons cannot be involved, it is proposed to video all the studies and site visits and produce a series of movies along the lines of those from the 2010 and 2015 Middle East trips that can be viewed on Christadelphian Videos – to access use the following links provided by Bro. Art Courtonel (Rugby UK):


Find also: Proposed Bibles Schools in Israel October & November 2016 ( God Willing)

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