Every athlete exercises self control

Skier carving a turn off piste

After watching skiing on TV, we marvelled at what incredible fitness the athletes obviously achieved as they skied twisting and turning up hills and then down them. In some cases they went non-stop for over an hour. What intensity of training was obviously involved; how intensely they ‘push’ their bodies in striving to achieve a national honour.

Our reading today in 1 Corinthians 9 provoked these reflections. Paul asks the question,

“Do you not know that in a race all the runners compete, but only one receives the prize? So run that you may obtain it. Every athlete exercises self-control in all things. They do it to obtain a perishable wreath, but we an imperishable” (verse 24).

How far beyond any present experience (or our imagining) is that which is “imperishable”! Paul then describes his approach to this, a description of his attitude that should, no, must make us meditate within ourselves.

Paul writes,

“So I do not run aimlessly … But I discipline my body and keep it under control, lest after preaching to others I myself should be disqualified” (verse 26).

Telemark skiing – Sulzkogel, Tirol, Österreich Photograph: Luidger

Self-discipline is the ultimate challenge! We usually can accept discipline when others are applying it to us for a good purpose that is clearly evident – but spiritual discipline requires clearness of vision in our minds – including a vision of what disqualification means! Yet we must serve our Lord because our love for him is genuine – fully appreciating the spiritual joy that we hold in our hearts!

These days, with so few being willing to listen – or read – we might give up on being a light shining in a dark place! But the darker it is – the more evident its’ light is going to be! Or is the darkness so thick and intense it is smothering it?

There is a marvellous Proverb we should hold up as a guiding principle for our thoughts.

“But the path of the righteous is like the light of the dawn, which shines brighter and brighter until the full day” (4:18).


You may find more Thoughts for the day and articles at The Christadelphian

Additional reading:

  1. Looking for True Spirituality 8 Measuring Up
  2. Wisdom not hard to find nor hiding in remote places
  3. Determine the drive
  4. Compassion and Discipline
  5. Digging in words, theories and artefacts
  6. Bible in the first place #3/3
  7. Those who make peace should plant peace like a seed
  8. Get up in the morning and pray for the Lord’s blessings


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18 thoughts on “Every athlete exercises self control

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