Today’s thought “Inspired to a sincere and pure way of thinking” (December 15)

In his second letter the apostle Peter writes to those that have obtained a like precious faith with him and his fellow apostles in the righteousness of their God and the Saviour Jesus Christ. (2 Peter 3:1) He writes that in both of his letters he tried to inspire his brethren and sisters to a… Read More Today’s thought “Inspired to a sincere and pure way of thinking” (December 15)

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Today’s thought “… in vain do they worship me” (July 14)

Today’s thought “… in vain do they worship me” (July 14) The religious leaders in Israel in the time of Jesus were zealous in their rituals of worship: the same can be said of the main forms of Christianity down through the centuries. Today in Matthew 15 we see how Jesus confronted the “Pharisees and… Read More Today’s thought “… in vain do they worship me” (July 14)

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