Today’s thought “Encouraged you and charged you to …” (May 18)

“Encouraged you and charged you to …” Joshua 2, Isaiah 8, 1 Thessalonians 3-4 Our readings today provoked two opposite thoughts: well, in truth, several others also. What were the thoughts in the heart of Rahab as she took in the Israelite spies and hid them? She said of her people, “as soon as we… Read More Today’s thought “Encouraged you and charged you to …” (May 18)

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Today’s thought “Inflicting vengeance on those who do not know God” (May 20)

Today’s thought “Inflicting vengeance on those who do not know God” (May 20) My thoughts today arose largely from the challenging words of Paul in the first two chapters of his second letter to the Thessalonians. Let us appreciate that when the lessons in God’s word are particularly challenging to us and we struggle to… Read More Today’s thought “Inflicting vengeance on those who do not know God” (May 20)

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Today’s thought “… God who tests our hearts” (May 17)

Today’s thought “… God who tests our hearts” (May 17) Paul makes a very instructive point in his first letter to the Thessalonians that we started reading today. Paul was greatly encouraged by the believers there and had many positive things to say about them – rather a contrast to his letters to the Corinthians.… Read More Today’s thought “… God who tests our hearts” (May 17)

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Another way looking at a language #7 Lingua Franca

Another way looking at a language 20. Aramaic or Greek Lingua Franca All of Rav Shaul’s epistles (with the possible exception of Philemon since it was sent through a Roman contact, then to the assembly) were sent to Synagogues that contained Jewish and Gentile believers whose halakha (legal faith practices) were governed by Ya’akov HaTzadik… Read More Another way looking at a language #7 Lingua Franca

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