Today’s thought “Be imitators” (August 29)

“ Be ye imitators of me, even as I also am of Christ.” (1Co 11:1 ASV)

The apostle Paul was pleased that the Corinthians continued to remember and honour him by keeping up the traditions of the faith he taught them. He also reminds them that all actual authority stems from Christ.

In the reading from yesterday the apostle Paul had showed his own practice and had warned them how we should remember the examples from the old scriptures. He asks the Corinthians to be followers of him, but only so far as he is of Christ, not an inch further. Christians are not bound, as Latimer saith, to be the saints’ apes; labouring to be like them in everything. It is Christ’s peculiar honour to be imitated in all morals absolutely.

“ I beseech you therefore, be ye imitators of me.” (1Co 4:16 ASV)

Paul is not a bad example to follow. But he too knew the traps of the following someone. We always have to be very careful in how far we want to follow a leader or elder. The Scriptures provide us with several example, the apostles for one.

“ Brethren, be ye imitators together of me, and mark them that so walk even as ye have us for an ensample.” (Php 3:17 ASV)

“ not because we have not the right, but to make ourselves an ensample unto you, that ye should imitate us.” (2Th 3:9 ASV)

It wasn’t because the apostles didn’t have a right to their support, because they did. They simply wanted to provide an example of diligence, hoping it would prove contagious. It should always be our behaviour that should attract people to come to know more about the one who is our light.

Yesterday we spoke about the Warning Markers, which should be always at the back of our head, being conscious about the many examples the Bible gives us. This should make us not be too fast to go one or another way, but to chose well.  We may not be in such a hurry to go into business for ourselves. Before you know it the Son of Man will arrive with all the splendour of his Father, accompanied by an army of angels. You’ll have to be ready at each moment of the day and get everything you have coming to you, a personal gift.

“ For the Son of man shall come in the glory of his Father with his angels; and then shall he render unto every man according to his deeds.” (Mt 16:27 ASV)



Today’s thought “Proclaiming the Message” (August 27)

Today’s thought “Taking examples as warnings” (August 28)

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