Today’s thought July 9 Reading 3 – Matthew 10:42 Tact requiring work

“And if anyone gives even a cup of cold water to one of these little ones because he is my disciple, I tell you the truth, he will certainly not lose his reward” (Mat 10:42).

“We have heard of young sisters banding together for quiet, unobtrusive labours in rendering occasional help to overloaded mothers; cheerful, friendly visitors who would call on older sisters, not to waste time where it was already too scarce but to render help where it was needed. Such work required tact, of course. It would never be easy and certainly not attractive to the flesh, but it might easily prove a most blessed form of giving. In such everyday matters opportunities for giving can be found without any need for searching and often it is in such prosaic matters that hearts are most touched as well as hands being eased. The cup of cold water is an expansive symbol” (Islip Collyer, “Principles and Proverbs”).



Today’s thought July 9 Reading 2 – Isa 65:16 Invokers of a blessing

Today’s thought “May the whole earth be filled …” (February 9)

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