Today’s thought “They do not understand” (December 6)

But those who are diligent readers of God’s word do understand!

Our heading is quoted from the prophet Micah – and his words contain things we can relate to in our own days. Chapters 3 and 4 today are quite remarkable. First, the message which God gave him about the godlessness of his days is so parallel to today.

“You who hate the good and love the evil” (3:2)

“who detest justice and make crooked all that is straight” (verse 9).

Of course, this applied initially to Israel, but is now true of the whole world.

Because of this spirit, God says, through the prophet,

“Jerusalem shall become a heap of ruins” (verse 12).

And so it happened – twice! The second time was after they crucified their Messiah.

But then God makes the prophet’s vision move forward to what we believe are our days.

“Many nations are assembled against you saying, ‘let her be defiled, and let our eyes gaze on Zion’.

But they do not know the thoughts of the LORD; they do not understand His plan, that he has gathered them as sheaves to the threshing floor” (4:11-.12). And when Israel “threshes” her enemies they

“shall devote their gain to the Lord” (verse 13).

This has not yet happened, but it will happen in a major way at the time when they really know God.

Finally, there is the vision of what is

“to come to pass in the latter days” (4:1)


“many nations shall come and say ‘Come, let us go up … to the house (Temple) of the LORD that he may teach us his ways and that we may walk in his paths … nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more” (verses 2,4).

This is the time when, what we call, ‘The Lord’s prayer’ will be fulfilled – ‘Thy kingdom come’ – will have come! Those that “do not understand” will not be there! Will you be there? You and I decide the answer, by the genuine convictions we have in our minds – now!

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