Today’s thought “In vain do they worship” (August 12)

Although atheism is rife in many countries, but worshipping God in a way He does not care for is also a problem. We must not be judgmental, which is God’s prerogative, but we cannot help seeing some of the differences between first century Christianity and that which exists today. Our first aim must be to… Read More Today’s thought “In vain do they worship” (August 12)

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Today’s thought “What does the LORD your God require …?” (April 25)

Today’s thought “What does the LORD your God require …?” (April 25) Today’s two chapters in Deuteronomy ‘inspire’ us as we come to the ‘heart’ of Moses’ final message before he dies. And we also have Acts 1 and the final words of Jesus before he ascends to heaven. Deuteronomy 10 records this declaration by… Read More Today’s thought “What does the LORD your God require …?” (April 25)

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Today’s thought “Call to listen to God ” (December 08)

Daily bible Readings for December 8: Job 10; Micah 6; James 2 Today for the fourth time we come to read in Micah’s prophecy that the city leaders and general population of Judah are called to “listen up” (Micah 1:2; 3:1; 3:9; 6:1). Each time the prophet has something very important to say to those… Read More Today’s thought “Call to listen to God ” (December 08)

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Today’s thought: In the Holiday-time not being lazy for God (Summer 2019)

Today’s thought Desire that every one shew the same diligence to the full assurance of hope unto the end (July 26) These last few days we had some beautiful weather, with real Summer time temperatures between 31 and 36° C (in some places 39° C) . As man often likes to complain, some people did… Read More Today’s thought: In the Holiday-time not being lazy for God (Summer 2019)

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Today’s thought “A blessing and a curse” (April 25)

Today’s thought “A blessing and a curse” (April 25) Deuteronomy 10-11 We continue to read Moses’ final message – a wondrous exhortation to the tribes of Israel – before he died and they entered the promised land without him. These chapters in Deuteronomy have a powerful message. Much of what Moses says to them we… Read More Today’s thought “A blessing and a curse” (April 25)

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