Today’s thought “Purify our conscience from …” (December 2)

We have three particularly challenging readings today. We start reading about Job and many see the start of this book, which sets the scene for the remaining forty chapters, as a sort of parable. The question is asked, and answered in Job; do those who are richly blessed appreciate their blessings? How should those around… Read More Today’s thought “Purify our conscience from …” (December 2)

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Today’s thought “Unceasing evil” (December 11)

Unceasing evil The above two words are the last words in the short prophecy of Nahum we read this morning. His three chapters are “an oracle concerning Nineveh” (1:1). You will remember that Jonah reluctantly went there, but they responded to his preaching of warning that in “forty days” they would be destroyed because of… Read More Today’s thought “Unceasing evil” (December 11)

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Today’s thought “Slow to anger and great in power” (December 10)

Today we began reading the prophet Nahum and his “oracle concerning Nineveh”. This city and nation (Assyria) was the great power of that earlier generation before Babylon became great. Remarkably it had repented at the preaching of Jonah and we reason that there was still some awe of Israel’s God at that time – flowing… Read More Today’s thought “Slow to anger and great in power” (December 10)

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Today’s thought “The Eternal God is willing to change His decision to unleash destruction” (December 2)

In the Daily Bible Readings of yesterday we read in Jonah 1 how one day the word of the Eternal One came to the prophet Jonah (Amittai’s son). He called Jonah to Nineveh, but being afraid to go to that ‘doomed place’ he goes instead to Tarshish, a great and wealthy city on the coast… Read More Today’s thought “The Eternal God is willing to change His decision to unleash destruction” (December 2)

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Is Hell-fire something to fear

Lots of Christian who think the hell is a place of eternal torture do forget that Jesus was three days in hell and that Israel’s patriarch Jacob was convinced he would also go to hell. In this article we look at the real biblical meaning of sheol, hades or hell. According to the bible sheol or the grave is the abode or place were both righteous and wicked remain until the call of Jesus at the Last Days and the resurrection of the dead.… Read More Is Hell-fire something to fear

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Proof of the resurrection of Christ

Several people wonder if Jesus really existed and would have stood up from the dead. Concerning his existence there are enough civil writings to confirm his existence. Many theories have been created concerning his disappearance from the grave. Because of certain historical facts other things just followed and groups of followers created religious groups or… Read More Proof of the resurrection of Christ

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