Putin orders tactical nuclear weapon drills to deter the West

Reuters, May 6, 2024


Russia said on Monday May 6, it would practice the deployment of tactical nuclear weapons as part of a military exercise after what the Moscow said were threats from France, Britain and the United States.

Since Russia invaded Ukraine in 2022, Russia has repeatedly warned of rising nuclear risks – warnings which the United States says it has to take seriously though U.S. officials say they have seen no change in Russia’s nuclear posture. Russia says the United States and its European allies are pushing the world to the brink of confrontation between nuclear powers by supporting Ukraine with tens of billions of dollars of weapons, some of which are being used against Russian territory. Russia’s defence ministry said it would hold military drills including practice for the preparation and deployment for use of non-strategic nuclear weapons. It said the exercises were ordered by President Vladimir Putin.


The Bible says in Daniel 11:40 that the king of the south (US/UK) will PUSH (militarily provoke) Gog – the king described in detail from verse 36-39. This king is Gog himself. When he has been “pushed’ he descends as the king of the north (Russian army) down into Israel and beyond into Egypt.

Interesting that we have Russia saying that they are being “pushed” to the brink of confrontation. Putin this week has ordered preparation of tactical nuclear weapons. Part of the reason for Putin deciding to up the ante were remarks this week by David Cameron (UK foreign secretary). He said Ukraine “absolutely has the right” to conduct attacks inside Russia with British weapons. The push – the provocation is underway and it will lead one day (after the inner ring war) to Russia coming down and invading Israel (the outer circle war)….

Bible quote

And at the time of the end shall the king of the south [US/UK] push at him [Gog]: and the king of the north {Russian nation] shall come against him [US/UK] like a whirlwind, with chariots, and with horsemen, and with many ships; and he shall enter into the countries, and shall overflow and pass over. (Daniel 11:40)


Weekly World Watch, Andy Walton

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