Russia could use nuclear weapons to ‘end war’


Dmitry Medvedev, former Russian president and Deputy Chairman of the Security Council of Russia, issued yet another nuclear escalation threat on his Telegram channel on July 5. Medvedev said that the war could be

“brought to an end within a few days”

if Ukraine ceases to receive assistance from its partners. Medvedev emphasized the potential for the quick resolution of any war and did not shy away from referencing the United States.

“In general, any war, even a world war, can be promptly concluded: either by signing a peace treaty or by adopting measures similar to what the Americans did in 1945 when they deployed nuclear weapons and bombed two Japanese cities, Hiroshima and Nagasaki. They undeniably altered the course of the military campaign then, at the cost of nearly 300,000 innocent civilian lives,”

Medvedev said.


This week former Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev said “Armageddon” is probable if the West does not agree to negotiate with Russia over its Ukraine invasion. He also reminded us that World War 2 was brought to an end when America dropped nuclear bombs on Japan.

He is right of course.

The extreme horror of those weapons caused Japan to surrender just 6 days later. Russia knows this of course and therefore rather than cede defeat will undoubtedly consider their use. In other words Russia will seek success regardless of cost. The Putin regime has no other option but to try achieve some type of victory. The best that Putin will gain from this war is a foothold in the Donbass region of Ukraine. But this will effectively divide Ukraine and stop it entering NATO – Putin’s main concern. The Bible says that Gog succeeds in all he does and does so by causing a shocking amount of destruction….more destruction is.

Bible quote

a fierce king, a master of intrigue, will rise to power. He will become very strong, but not by his own power. He will cause a shocking amount of destruction and succeed in everything he does. He will destroy powerful leaders and devastate the holy people. He will be a master of deception and will become arrogant; he will destroy many without warning. (Daniel 8:23-25 NLT)


Andy Walton

Weekly World Watch

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Putin threatens nuclear strikes if West intervenes

The Developments for the first half of April


Additional reading

  1. ‘Desperate’ Vladimir Putin may use tactical nuclear weapons, warns CIA chief
  2. The push for peace
  3. Europe sucked into a war against Russia
  4. China says sending weapons to Kyiv will not bring peace as US warns Beijing against helping Putin
  5. Stop war in Ukraine
  6. Putin speaks plainly – and the West is speechless
  7. Sunday 2023 March 26 Frontpage
  8. The week of 2022 March 21-27 according to the Guardian
  9. Not to take it serious or it being a true danger
  10. The Telegraph Frontpage for 2023 May 04
  11. US urges NATO vigilance for signs Russia could use nuclear weapon in Ukraine
  12. Russians saying now there is enough proof the West is attacking the Russian Federation
  13. Finland joins Nato: Russia vows to retaliate as alliance expands
  14. New sanctions package against Belarus
  15. Contaminated water, ground and air as result of more moves of truly terrible intent
  16. The New-York Times looking at June 16 – June 26
  17. Looking at a “Man from the North” endangering the world
  18. Ukrainian Who doenit
  19. Kyiv regime committed an unthinkable crime
  20. Ukraine losing several million tons of crops Kakhovka Dam
  21. Contaminated water, ground and air as result of more moves of truly terrible intent
  22. The third week of June 2023 in Ukraine
  23. Nuclear plant evacuation feeds fears of sabotage
  24. Great Tribulation and Armageddon
  25. Armageddon or the Great Tribulation

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