Foreign visitors to the Anderlecht ecclesia

The adults present at the meeting of May 25, 2024

Last Saturday, the Anderlecht ecclesia had a nice active day where they enjoyed the visit of two foreign guests.

In our Belgian municipalities, this is great news to have foreign guests present during the service, before breaking the bread. In our ecclesia it has been a long time since we were allowed to have Australians on the floor. It has also been a long time since we have come together with several foreigners in Brussels city or In Bruges to break bread together.

The fact that this could now happen in Anderlecht is a good signal and gives us hope. Let us hope that this may be the beginning of a flourishing community where we will be able to receive brothers and sisters from all corners of the world.

For us it is sad that of the 27 Belgian subscribers to our Dutch-language magazine “Met Open Bijbel” we have not yet been able to greet anyone there or in Leuven, Mons or Nivelles. We would love to hear more from them.

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