Today’s thought “Inspired to a sincere and pure way of thinking” (December 15)

In his second letter the apostle Peter writes to those that have obtained a like precious faith with him and his fellow apostles in the righteousness of their God and the Saviour Jesus Christ. (2 Peter 3:1) He writes that in both of his letters he tried to inspire his brethren and sisters to a… Read More Today’s thought “Inspired to a sincere and pure way of thinking” (December 15)

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Today’s thought “Man lives by every word that comes from the mouth of Jehovah” (April 24)

Today’s thought “Man lives by every word that comes from the mouth of Jehovah” (April 24) Deuteronomy 8-9, In today’s reading we are requested to carefully obey every command Jehovah, the Most High Maker God has given us. He let us know that when we keep His commandments we will live and grow in number.… Read More Today’s thought “Man lives by every word that comes from the mouth of Jehovah” (April 24)

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the Bible – God’s guide for life #1 Introduction

INTRODUCTION The American Bill Bryson wrote a book about his experiences in Britain called Notes from a Small Island. In it he describes an the English approach to travel: If you mention in a pub that you intend to drive from, say, Surrey to Cornwall… your companions will puff their cheeks, look knowingly at each… Read More the Bible – God’s guide for life #1 Introduction

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