The Tabernacle of God

It is scarcely possible to miss the significance of this. God’s final encampment upon the earth is to be in a Tabernacle made of materials supplied by the human race – living materials answerable to the precious things offered by Israel, gold, silver, precious stones, representing the good and honest-hearted among enlightened men.

The Tabernacle was not let down from heaven ready made, though the pattern after which it was made was from that source: so the divine system of things to occupy the earth for ever, does not come down from heaven as a complete literal development, after the manner of some people’s ideas of the New Jerusalem. The pattern comes from there. Christ, even in the days of his flesh, could say,

“I came down from heaven”,

because the Spirit which caused his appearance emanated from thence. In how much fuller a sense, at his second appearing, will he be able to say the same thing?

But the elements of the Tabernacle to be reared up upon earth, for the glory of God, will be supplied from the ranks of Adam’s descendants in conformity with the divine specifications.

Robert Roberts, The Law of Moses, page 96.

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