To remember (or not to forget): God is!

There is Only One True God.
He is an eternal all-knowing Spirit Being.
He is the One Who has no beginning (no birth) and no end (no death)
Who is the Creator of the universe.
Jehovah God is the Supreme Most High Being
Who is the Most Almighty Maker and Provider.

God is completely sovereign.
God is infinite in wisdom.
God is perfect in love.
God in His love always wills what is best for us.
In His wisdom He always knows what is best.
He is the Most Righteous One.
In His sovereignty,
He has the power to bring it about.

The One God Who Is Who He is and Who is the Being
is the One Who gives and takes life.
He is the loving God Who wants us to come close to Him
and to accept Him as our heavenly Father.


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