January’s issue of The Christadelphian

The January issue, published on December 21, 2018, commences with a New Year Editorial encouraging us to consider what pleases God, followed by two pages of “Letters to the Editor”. “Sunday Morning” focuses appropriately on “beginnings” – the book of Genesis.
In the “Exposition” section we conclude Brother Paul Aston’s helpful series, “In the Volume of the Book”, and also have interesting articles on the significance of the Lord’s use of Psalm 22 on the cross, and the Jewish New Year.
A “Practical” article exhorts us to remain “strangers and sojourners” in this present life and notes the impact – good and bad – that cultural differences can have on ecclesias.
The “History” section draws attention to the current British Museum exhibition on ancient Assyria, relating it to Bible prophecy and the role of the latter-day Assyrian. Another article in the same section looks at the Gallipoli Campaign during the First World War – a disaster for Britain and her allies – in the light of Bible prophecy.
Under “Community” we have the work of the Christadelphian Isolation League (CIL) explained and a list of ways that we can help.
We review a new book by Brother Mark Allfree, The Restoration of the Kingdom: An exposition of Ezekiel 40-48.
“Signs” and “Israel” focus on anti-Semitism in the modern world, especially in Europe, and a ring found fifty years ago at Herodium  (but only recently dated) which either belonged to Pilate or one of his officials or soldiers.
Following the Epilogue, “Zion for whom no one cares”, we have the usual monthly items of “News” and “Work”.

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