Working with others behind the scenes

It’s a scriptural principle that we should work together in the truth. John says in his third epistle ‘that we may be fellow workers for the truth’. This is true both in ecclesial life and across Christadelphian organisations. 
This help and support has been seen in a number of ways. Many of our brothers and sisters in isolation, especially in Eastern Europe, have benefited from CIL exhortations, many of which are translated from English into their own language. 
The CBM has always had a good and effective working relationship with the Christadelphian Isolation League (CIL) in supporting our isolated brothers and sisters and young people abroad.   

Brothers and sisters in Prague receive a monthly CIL exhortation translated from English to Czech 
Sis Pam Adams organises the translation of CIL exhortations into French by a committed team of French speakers. The team is big enough to enable weekly exhortations to be sent to some parts of the French speaking world. Sis Pam said
Although this is organised by the CIL, it is also of benefit to CBM work, as it supports the visits and contacts organised by them and is a weekly encouragement to those in far-flung parts.  Letters of appreciation are received occasionally from recipients, and this makes us feel privileged to be a small part of mission work!”
The CIL exhortations are sent to brothers and sisters and ecclesias across five different predominantly French speaking countries in Africa as well as Haiti and France.

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