Sunday Schools in the Philippines

WCF continues to fund mission work in the Philippines through a partnership with the Asia-Pacific Christadelphian Bible Mission. In addition to financially supporting Bible Education Centers, preaching campaigns and fieldworkers, the Foundation is involved in nurturing young minds in Christadelphian Sunday Schools. The committed young people of the Mindanao and Visyas ecclesias have undertaken the vital work of teaching these students. Currently there are almost 500 children, overwhelmingly from non-Christadelphian families, enrolled in seventeen different Sunday Schools.

Argao Sunday School

Argao Sunday School

These young, receptive minds are fertile ground for embracing the Gospel and several baptisms have resulted in recent years. Further, non-Christadelphian parents have also become engaged by attending the prize presentation programs for their children. In addition to a warm welcome, these parents receive invitations to attend upcoming Bible seminars.

Malaybalay Sunday School

Malaybalay Sunday School

With a burgeoning enrollment come increased expenses for Bibles, student notes and supplies, as well as classroom furniture and in some cases, classrooms! Workshops to enhance the teaching and communication skills of the instructors are an additional investment necessary to further this important Sunday School outreach. Your financial support of the Sunday School program in the Philippines can enable this work to continue to grow with God’s blessing.

Philippine Sunday School

Philippine Sunday School


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