Looking for a spiritual new life

Do you not like your present life?
Do you find your life is too full of misery, sorrow and pain?
Are you looking for a better life?

You might find a better life or better times here on earth.
It is up to you to find that better place to be even when you are going to stay in the same place it can be better for you? It is there to grasp, that possibility to cope better with the circumstances, to be able to endure the suffering and to have a more peaceful mind.

Some two thousand years ago there was a man who went looking in the night for a new light. His name was Nicodemus. A night approach suggests he was tentatively checking out the Galilean teacher, but not yet committed.

Ruthie Sutcliffe in her article for today looks at that new life everybody can have. Her tittle is well found, because when we find the right person and the right track, the Way to God, we shall have a Renaissance.

Renaissance means “new birth,” and it is fundamental to becoming a Christian.

English: Christ and Nicodemus
Christ and Nicodemus (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

To feel the magic of transformation in yourself you have to become part of that New Word, which is prepared by the sent one from God. It was that Nazarene man who made it possible that we became reconciled. When he told Nicodemus he had to be reborn, this searching man was taken back. He couldn’t see beyond the literal meaning of these words of having to be ‘reborn’ when one has already had a long period of being on this earth.

“How can a man be born when he is old? Can he enter a second time into his mother’s womb and be born?”

Jesus answered,

“Truly, truly, I say to you, unless one is born of water and the Spirit, he cannot enter the kingdom of God. That which is born of the flesh is flesh, and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit. Do not marvel that I said to you, ‘You must be born again.” (John 3:4–7).

In her blog, Sutcliffe gives some answers and shows how other New Testament writers bear witness to this rebirthing or regeneration. In her articles she shows how Jesus is the way. In him we not only find “God in Christ” but also can find what he  has done for us and how God also can be in us. When we become reborn, we shall be renewed, receiving new clothes, being clothed with Jesus his righteousness and being already justified — accounted righteous.

When we have taken the decision to come under Christ we shall feel already the blessings in this life of being “saved by faith“. Though it when we do have faith, this requires a new life attitude as well. It is expected from us that we change our actions … our thoughts, words and deeds. They have to demonstrate the quality and reality of our faith. Though none of the things that we can do can ever be enough to merit what God has in store for those who love Him. God has something special for those who are willing to fulfil God’s Wishes. It is by God’s grace that we are justified. We should take that serious, when we are receiving that new life, being justified, according to the Bible we are already glorified (Romans 8:30). When placed on the echelon of those accepted there is now no condemnation for those in Christ Jesus (Romans 8:1).

When we want to find new life and want to be reborn, we have to come in Christ, being his, acknowledging him as Lord and Saviour. We have to believe in him who does not request that we have this or that with us to present us to himself. We may come with the empty hands of faith to him, repenting and receiving his grace and walking in newness of life, to have truly been born anew.

When we are prepared to give ourselves to Christ and his heavenly Father we can become adopted as God’s children (John 1:12; 1 John 3:1–2). When we are prepared to live amidst ridicule and persecution, not giving in to the world, but showing it how we have chosen for Christ, we can find the energy or power to come forward and to show others the way to God. Then we may enter a total new life, where we can see the light at the end of the tunnel. Then we can live in a world where there is hope and can share the good prospects with brothers and sisters in Christ. When reborn we do not have to be afraid any more, because we have a sure and certain hope (John 5:34; 10:28–29; Romans 10:9–13; Philippians 1:6).

Those in Christ stand justified and are assured of being glorified (Rom 8:30). Nevertheless, the remainder of this life constitutes a period of sanctification and growth in Christ-likeness, although it is a mistake to regard this as “probation,” as if there is doubt that Christ’s death can cover all our sins. The work of the Holy Spirit in the Christian is to enable this growth in holiness (1 Cor 6:11; 1 Thess 5:23). The lifetime we are granted for this may be long or short. It’s not about accumulating merit, but standing firm in the Lord for our allotted lifespan, with his forgiveness at hand to catch us when we fall (1 John 2:1–2). Nothing can pluck us from his hand (John 10:28); we need have no fear of the judgement seat if we are clothed in Christ’s righteousness (Luke 12:30; Rom 8:33; 1 John 4:18). {Now… and Not Yet}

Therefore let us be assured by the words of Jesus Christ, the son of God and son of man who has received authority from God.

“The Father judges no one, but has given all judgement to the Son, that all may honour the Son, just as they honour the Father. Whoever does not honour the Son does not honour the Father who sent him” (John 5:22–23).

Alexander Andreyevich Ivanov
Alexander Andreyevich Ivanov (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Clothed in Jesus his righteousness as people who gave themselves in his hands we can start a new life as reborn children of God (Romans 8:1–4). As children of God we are justified, and count on that eternal life promised by the Most Almighty. In all those promises presented in the Bible we have assurance of hope. Having the Spirit in our hearts we may count on this guarantee.

Whoever believes in Jesus will never die (John 11:26).

This life is in the Son and it becomes our when we are born again.

Let us make work of becoming born again and have Victory in rebirth.


Please read:


Now… and Not Yet

Judge of all the Earth

Judgement Day

Preceding articles:

A season for truth and peace

When having found faith through the study of the Bible we do need to do works of faith

The God of hope filling us with all joy and peace


Additional reading

  1. From Despair to Victory
  2. Victory in rebirth
  3. God loving people justified
  4. Salvation and Righteousness
  5. Faith Alone Does Not Save . . . No Matter How Many Times Protestants Say It Does
  6. Grow strong in weakness
  7. Beautiful feet of those who announce the good news


Further reading

  1. From servant beloved to son beloved
  2. Can the real Gentile please stand up?
  3. Poop out the old you
  4. Rebirth through Water
  5. The Season Of Change
  6. What It’s Like to Die
  7. Memento Mori
  8. The Lazarus Conclusion
  9. Six years ago, I almost died.
  10. Beautiful day
  11. Running for your life.
  12. The growth before the birth. 
  13. Do you realize that you are not this body?
  14. Man’s Rebirth
  15. To Live Again
  16. in the womb
  17. When one is born alive into the womb that is the world
  18. The growth before the birth. 
  19. Can I Get A Witness. 
  20. We Are Born Anew
  21. Born Again
  22. Reborn 1
  23. Reborn 2
  24. If We could be Reborn
  25. Choice
  26. Die and Reborn
  27. New Life Out of the Old
  28. To be reborn in the very skin
  29. I Fell, I Burned, I Died in Order to be Reborn…
  30. Zombies in Victoria’s Courts
  31. life taught me that no 23
  32. admissions and submissions
  33. Limbo
  34. Who Are You?
  35. One truly is born ready for every capacity
  36. The better one’s thought or knowledge
  37. Life truly is about knowledge
  38. Knowledge is what gives form
  39. To Know Through One
  40. 3 Laws on Developing Your Relationship with God
  41. How To Accept Jesus
  42. He that is able to enter
  43. When one is in the grace
  44. Spiritually Connected – Physically Disconnected.
  45. Everything for nothing
  46. There is a very grandiose purpose in one knowing
  47. Perfect justice + Mercy = God
  48. Transformation
  49. Many wait that others to do for them
  50. we must put our maximum efforts toward God
  51. The Earth Rejoiced
  52. The punishment of death
  53. Hope and Rebirth
  54. Nothing last for ever except the soul
  55. Revive reboot recharge
  56. Unity through one
  57. No heaven without a second birth
  58. God and the atheist
  59. Noise in an otherwise peaceful mind…
  60. Four Easy Ways to Quiet Your Mind to Relieve Stress
  61. Light Of Wisdom
  62. Why I have chosen it ?
  63. Passover – Easter
  64. How I Have Begun To Feel At Peace With Myself 
  65. Peace = Tranquility
  66. Peace of Mind
  67. A Pure and Peaceful Mind
  68. ahimsa – a life free of violence
  69. peace and power
  70. Have Patience…First With Yourself


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