Solihull Christadelphian hall preaching activity 3 September 2016

The Manor House, Solihull
The Manor House, Solihull (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Saturday 3rd September the Solihull Christadelphian hall will be holding a study and preaching activity.

Beginning at 9:30 AM with coffee there shall be a weekend aimed to publicise their Family Fun Open Day to be held from 2:00 PM on the 10th September, God willing.

For the study side, Brother Richard Cook (Birmingham – South) will be leading the listeners their thoughts around Roman Soldiers under the theme, *Prepared to withstand*.

The serving element will involve both billing the local area, and a street activity in Solihull High Street during the afternoon.

There will be meals during the day (so please let them know if you would like to come so they can cater appropriately – email and they hope to finish by about 7:00 PM, all God willing.

Saturday 10th September they are hosting a Family Fun Open Day to highlight the work of their lampstand in Solihull. They will be raising funds for a local charity, St Chad’s Sanctuary, for whom one of their members volunteers. They help refugees, who arrive in Birmingham with nothing, under that important scriptural principle, *I was a stranger and you made me welcome* [Matthew 25:35] The Solihull ecclesia is aiming to raise the profile of their work with children through the Sunday school and youth groups, and their popular Family Fun Days, where parents and children will be invited to a prize-giving at Sunday School the following week. It will also be an opportunity for them to highlight the various organisations within their community who use their hall on a regular basis.

The ecclesia hopes to make their friends and neighbours welcome through a number of stalls and activities and competitions that will be taking place; so please come and join them for the afternoon from 2:00 PM onwards. All God willing.

If anyone would like any more information then please write to them at

Please support their work at Solihull; if you can’t join them on the days, please join them in prayer to our Father, that our Lord may encourage them in his blessing and use their activities as an opportunity to further his work amongst us.


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