Resurrectional Responsibility

God is not restrained from raising for condemnation any rebels and unbelievers He deems so deserving, regardless of whether they are baptized or unbaptized…
Rejection of God’s knowledge and calling are grounds of condemnation and punishment by God. Divine wisdom and justice alone will determine who should be raised from the dead to be condemned and punished on these grounds. It is certain that His will is righteous and shall be done. No human can identify or quantify individuals in this category with

– Peter Ojike

  • Rachel Lu: All God’s Children Aren’t God’s Children (
  • Why are Christians constantly stressing their solidarity with the rest of the world by claiming that “we are all children of God”?  I suppose some see this as a Christianized version of the sentiment that “all men are brothers.” Or maybe they just want to emphasize that God loves everyone, and that every life is precious. Which is true. All humans are made in God’s image, and Christ’s grace is available to all. Nevertheless, we aren’t all children of God. It’s actually quite important that people understand why this is.
  • We Are Not All Children of God (
    I suppose some see this as a Christianized version of the sentiment that “all men are brothers.” Or maybe they just want to emphasize that God loves everyone, and that every life is precious. Which is true. All humans are made in God’s image, and Christ’s grace is available to all. Nevertheless, we aren’t all children of God. It’s actually quite important that people understand why this is.

    We become children of God by adoption. This is mentioned in multiple places in the Bible, including Ephesians 1, but it is especially explained in Galatians 4

  • Shock over unbaptized babies buried in coffins with unrelated adults (IrishCentral) (
    At one stage in Ireland, the Catholic Church’s tradition stipulated that un-baptized babies could not be buried in sacred ground and that their souls would go to Limbo, an in-between place where they could neither see God nor be reunited with their parents.

    The church’s outlook on that has been amended in recent years.

    National broadcaster RTE obtained the information on “tandem burials” last week under the Freedom of Information Act.

    “These revelations raise a number of questions about certain practices in hospitals. The information, while vague, will be very distressing for families who may have placed their faith in their local hospital to bury their loved one,” Kelleher said.

  • Why In The World Was God Baptized?! (
    • Is baptism primarily about your commitment to God, orrrr…is it possible that it is more about God’s commitment to you?
      • Is baptism primarily about your own faltering faith and repentance, however good, orrrr…is it primarily about Jesus’ perfect faith and repentance on your behalf and in your place!
  • Difference between Baptists and Presbyterians (
    There are many religions in the world and the most followed one is Christianity. All Christians believe in Jesus Christ as the lord and the son of God as well as the saviour of the masses. However, there are numerous practices and beliefs in which Christians differ from each other. There are many divisions and sub divisions within Christianity with the people under each sect having some unique ideologies and/or practices. The most common divide in Christianity is between the Catholics and the Protestants. However, there are also other divisions such as the Methodists, the Presbyterians, the Baptists etc. In this article, we will compare two of these, namely the Baptists and the Presbyterians.
  • Sermon: One Bad Mother (
    today’s passage reminds us that baptism isn’t all sweetness and light.  God wants people to live changed lives and when John baptizes these people, they are saying they will live a changed life. Baptism is a wonderful experience, but it’s also asking God to come into our lives and God wants it all.
  • QUOTE (Thomas “Stonewall” Jackson) – Jan 21 (
    To believe in the sense in which the word is used here, “is feeling and acting as if there were a God, a Heaven, a Hell; as if we were sinners and must die; as if we deserve eternal death, and were in danger of it. And in view of all, casting our eternal interests on the mercy of God in Christ Jesus. To do this is to be a Christian.”
  • Mark Outing: Marvelous Light (
    Don’t buy the lie…you can go to church, Sunday after Sunday…unless a man repents of his sins and receives Jesus Christ – have Christ – man is lost.

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