I have not hidden …

All of our four chapters today are really thought provoking; David’s emotional Psalm 40 captured our attention, it starts,

I waited patiently for the LORD” –

English: An etching by Jan Luyken illustrating...
An etching by Jan Luyken illustrating Luke 17:34 in the Bowyer Bible, Bolton, England. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

and isn’t that what we are trying to do! But we cannot wait, standing still, as if to catch a bus! David has many things to rejoice about because of the relationship he has established with God.

“He has put a new song in my mouth, a song of praise to our God. Many will see and fear, and (as a result) put their trust in the LORD”’ (verse 3).

He says,

“I have told the glad news of deliverance …” (verse 9) “I have not hidden your deliverance within my heart, I have spoken of your faithfulness and your salvation. I have not concealed …” (verse 10).

The faith David had in the reality of God’s involvement in his life and in the ultimate future was evident to those around him. – he sets us a meaningful example, let us be able to say, “I have not hidden your deliverance …”.

We read in Matthew 24 the message and warnings of Jesus to his disciples that

“the gospel of the kingdom will be proclaimed throughout the whole world as a testimony to all …” (verse 14).

The disciples had the responsibility to start on this work, but Jesus warns,

“many will come in my name … and they will lead many astray” (verse 15).

And so it happened – and is still happening.

Let us be faithful to the original message of salvation – and an essential part of making sure we possess the real spirit of faithfulness is to read the Bible every day. – and be faithful to what we read. This means being faithful to the true, the original, message – and – equally important – the spirit in which we must live our lives, the character (of Christ) others will see in us. Then we can, with all our heart, say with David,

I have not hidden your deliverance …”.

– The Christadelphian Today’s thought January 22

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